Winners of Shell LiveWIRE Business Start-Up Awards (BSA) 2011

Muh. Ircham - "Kopi Celup SAITAMA"

Muh. Ircham - Kopi Celup SAITAMA
Muh. Ircham - Kopi Celup SAITAMA
Ircham was born in Ambarawa on 9th October 1984. The high school graduate realises the potential of coffee plantation in his hometown (Gunung Kelir - Ambarawa) when its coffee beans' was awarded as one of the best quality coffee beans in Indonesia.
He modifies the conventional ways of coffee brewing by putting the grinded coffee beans in filter bags, similar to what is used for tea.
Blog: - opens in new window
Facebook: Kopi Celup Saitama
Twitter: @kopicelupsaitama

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Kopi Pesanan Anda Dus Kecil Rp.6.000 (5 sachet )
Kemasan Karton (40 dus) Rp.240.000
Kemasan Souvenir Rp. 30.000
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